SkyImaging is a site dealing with astronomy and more particularly with Lunar and Planetary astrophotography, and Deep Sky imaging.
Here you will find a lot of advice regarding techniques about post image processing of your images with many tutorials available in the Tutorials section.
Want to try photography of the sky, but don't have an adequate telescope? The Equipment section will help you in choosing an instrument for astronomy (telescope? refractor?) and for taking photos of the planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and the Moon are just waiting to be downloaded on the page "Videos" in order to enable you to train yourself in astro-image processing.
This site is frequently updated to show you the latest images of planets and space in general made with a telescope. Similarly, tutorials are regularly adapted to new improvements in the field of the astronomical imaging for amateur astronomers.

Current Phase of the Moon
ISS Tracking
Iris Tutorials
Learn to process planetary videos with Iris! Tutorials describe the latest techniques in planetary imaging, using B&W cameras fitted with a filter wheel.
Review of my astronomy equipment & tips about the purchase of a telescope and its accessories.
The discovery of the planet Neptune was a triumph of mathematics. While studying the orbit of the planet Uranus, Urbain Leverrier realized that its perturbations suggested the presence of an unknown planet in an orbit beyond that of Uranus. Leverrier promptly calculated where the planet should be found. On September 23, 1846, the astronomer Johann Galle (in Berlin) looked at the indicated spot - and discovered Neptune in less than an hour.
Fabian Van Acker
Thanks to Fabian, I learned the basics of the creation of a web site.
Rolf Arcan
You can download Rolf's videos of Mars, and the Moon (Tycho and Clavius craters) on the Videos web page, made with his 16 inch Dobsonian.
Guillaume Bertrand
Guillaume made the banner for the website (image at the top of the page).
Tom Feuerstake
Tom edited numerous pages of my web site previously written in French, to remove the mistakes. A big thank you to him!
Kevin Bozard
Kevin edited numerous pages of my web site previously written in French, to remove the mistakes. A big thank you to him!
Marc Delcroix
Marc gave me permission to use his video of Saturn in the Iris tutorial, and on the Video web page. He also helped me with his invaluable advice about the rotation of field in Alt/Az setup, and also with some tips regarding the commands of Iris for the tutorial you can see on this page.
Tim Kerr
Tim edited the home & equipment web pages of my web site previously written in French, to remove the mistakes. Thanks to him!
Valere Leroy
You can listen to Valere's music (click on the note) on my web site, and on my video clips.
Jean-Pierre Richaume
Jean-Pierre read the first version of the Iris tutorial about planetary imaging, and gave me invaluable advice regarding this tutorial, he also addressed other technical problems, and imaging processing.
Dave Mitsky
Dave edited the Who I am? & planets web pages of my web site previously written in French, to remove the mistakes. Thanks to him!
Jean-Yves Beninger
You can download Jean-Yves video of Jupiter recorded from his garden in Singapore. He translated in English, the page of the scripts for Iris. Thanks to the scripts, you'll be able to automatically process your videos of the planets.