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Astronomy tutorials

This page contains most of the knowledge I've learned over the years, about the techniques of astrophotography and planetary imaging in particular.

Finding no comprehensive and easily affordable tutorial on the techniques of image processing with Iris, I rolled up my sleeves and one year later, the Iris tutorial below was born.

You'll learn to process your planetary videos made with a b&w camera equipped with filters, a basic color webcam, or a combination of both.

 Planetary imaging with Iris - RGB and LRGB techniques    Very big tutorial!

 Automatic processing of your images with scripts

 The new B&W CCD cameras for planetary imaging

 Remove dust with Photoshop

 Remove dust using the technique of flat-fielding with Iris
 Compensate for the rotation of field - Telescopes with an altazimutal mount  Be patient!
 Processing of a video with Iris - webcam in COLOR   Be patient!

The World at Night Current Phase of the Moon ISS Tracking

source: eur.yim.com source: weather.com

The discovery of the planet Neptune was a triumph of mathematics. While studying the orbit of the planet Uranus, Urbain Leverrier realized that its perturbations suggested the presence of an unknown planet in an orbit beyond that of Uranus. Leverrier promptly calculated where the planet should be found. On September 23, 1846, the astronomer Johann Galle (in Berlin) looked at the indicated spot - and discovered Neptune in less than an hour.

A time will come when men will stretch out their eyes. They should see planets like our Earth.
Christopher Wren